Monster Alley ~ A Radio Drama

Sale Price:$7.00 Original Price:$10.00

“Monster Alley” is a Radio Drama consisting of three short stories.

In the middle of a major metropolitan city lies a hidden enclave of supernaturals called Happenstance.   Two detectives, Rafe Howler and Sophie Frost, keep the peace in this unique setting.  

Runtime: 1 hr 49mins.

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“Monster Alley” is a Radio Drama consisting of three short stories.

In the middle of a major metropolitan city lies a hidden enclave of supernaturals called Happenstance.   Two detectives, Rafe Howler and Sophie Frost, keep the peace in this unique setting.  

Runtime: 1 hr 49mins.

“Monster Alley” is a Radio Drama consisting of three short stories.

In the middle of a major metropolitan city lies a hidden enclave of supernaturals called Happenstance.   Two detectives, Rafe Howler and Sophie Frost, keep the peace in this unique setting.  

Runtime: 1 hr 49mins.

“Monster Alley” is a Radio Drama consisting of three short stories with sound effects. Each character has their own voice, and it is narrated by the author, all courtesy of AI voices from “Eleven Labs”.

Story 1: “The Prodigal Son” 

  • Howler and Frost must protect the man, Porter, who was the inspiration for Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”. Really, he’s a nice chap and doesn’t deserve having monster hunters after him.

Story 2: “The Rat’s Maze”

  • There are monsters called windego plaguing a large apartment complex that Porter owns. So, he enlists Frost and Howler to help him.

Story 3: “Possession is 9/10s of the Law”

  • Frost and Howler must help a young girl that was possessed by a demon.

This work, including all music was written, edited, and produced by Walter G. Esselman. Music created on the app, “GarageBand”. Sound effects and musical samples from the app, “Splice”, or “Eleven Labs”.


~Uncle Walter