About A Boy Adopted By A Dragon
Dragonson Tails
Dragonson Tails ~
Fun, quirky tales about a boy adopted by a dragon, Gideon, who travels with his best friend, a young dragon named Pavataro. The Boys run into a werewolf, giant crabs, and a ton of razor deer.

Dragonson actually came about in a funny way. I had just spent about two years finishing a book, “Monkeygrrl & The Knight Shift”.
It was the beginning of a new year and this idea of a baby being adopted by a dragon sprung into my head. The Plan was to write down the barebones of the idea as a short story, get it copywritten in that respect, and then move on to the second book in “The Knight Shift” series.
But, then...I wrote more of “Dragonson”. And then, a little more.
I hit page 40, and the rest of the story was unfolding right in front of me, like a...a thing that unfolds right in front of you..
So, I said to myself, ‘Welp, I guess I’m writing a book now’.
After I had finished the first book, I started writing other short stories, and then dug into the second book, and….well, there’s a lot more written now. I honestly don’t know how much.
But all of it all came out of, ‘I better write this idea down’.
So, what is the first book?
"Dragonson & the Prophecy of Fire" - The story follows a dragon named Miravalla, who after losing her first child, adopts a baby named Gideon. She accidentally nurses the child with dragon’s milk that allows the boy to, well not fly, but certainly not plummet, as well as breathe fire.
An innocent kiss from Gideon to the Duchess Brianna causes her to speak of a prophecy in which she sees the city of Bon Su Pear burning because of ships made of iron.
Reluctantly, the Duchess must go to this city with Gideon. The boy brings along his best friend Pavataro, a dragon who is afraid to fly. Despite the forces rising against them, including giant spiders, weretigers and ghost armies, they reach Bon Su Pear only a little before the ships of iron.
The ships of iron come from the foreign country of Dringenberg who are attempting to create a beachhead in Bon Su Pear to invade the countryside. Gideon must fight a dragon and negotiate with the ships of iron in order to save Bon Su Pear.
While Gideon, Brianna and Pavataro form an uneasy partnership at first, this journey will forge bonds that will last a lifetime.

Art by Lance Red
Top left to right: Gideon, Pavataro, SOS the spell otter, Brianna the watermage and Blaze the Phoenix (who was introduced in “Shooting Star”, but sadly did not become a regular part of the cast.)
Lance Red — This is a really cool artist who worked with me back at Borders Books, and now, he is a full-time artist. I commissioned this first picture for my “Dragonson” series, and as I write this, it’s hanging on the wall, within a quick glance of my eye. I have included a couple of more recent pictures that I really liked. And, you can see more of Lance’s work at his website here, or at Patreon here.
Commissioned Work
Artist: Nyx
Nyx on Instagram drew this great commissioned work. At first, I did not know what Pavataro’s coloring was. So, when Lance Red did the above, I let him choose the colors.
But, as time wore on, it clicked that Pav was black with an electric blue underside.
Further, we used tiger paws for his front feet. Though dragons can use them as hands as well.
Here is a link to her Instagram: https://instagram.com/nyx_drawings?igshid=133ruz8y1a8bj
A Sampling of the
In the timeline, “Sharp Stick” is so early in the Dragonson series, it actually takes place in the first part of the very first book. Tired of being teased for being useless, Gideon decides to hunt for supper down in the bug caves. Short Story: “Sharp Stick”
“Fur Flying” - Reprint (November 2016) With a werewolf on the loose, the local wolf population is being persecuted. So, Gideon and Pavataro decide to try and help the wolves by finding the werewolf. Short Story: “Fur Flying”
“Sacred Logs and Crocodiles” (August 2020) Gideon and Pavataro are supposed to collect a library book, but there’s a bit of a snag. The book is located in a castle currently occupied by a giant crocodile. Short Story: “Sacred Logs and Crocodiles”
“Sand Sharks” (July 2017) A fun day at the beach for Gideon, Brianna and Pavataro the dragon becomes dangerous when a sand shark appears. Short Story: “Sand Sharks”
“In Hot Water” (March 2017) Brianna, the watermage, and her uncle Regent are tasked with diving down to a sunken ship. But they are not alone in the depths. Short Story: “In Hot Water”
“Mystery of the Black Nail” (January and February 2019) Because they were caught running through the castle, Gideon and Pavataro are taken by their mentor, Regent, on a routine mission. But their destination, the Black Nail, is not as safe as it seemed. Short Story: Part 1 and Part 2
“Fire! Fire!” (May 2016) Gideon and Pavataro the dragon race into the city of Bon Su Pear in “Fire, Fire” where a building is ablaze.. Short Story: “Fire! Fire!”
“Overcooked” (September 2015) Brianna, an apprentice, is trying trouble forming magical creatures out of water. Short Story: “Overcooked”
The novella “The King’s Bloodline” (June 2018) The boy-king, Rolly, finds that not only does Bon Su Pear have a zoo, but it belongs to him! I have always been very fond of this trilogy of stories. It is fantastic to see it in print.Short Story: “The King’s Bloodline”
“Wizard Con” (August 2015)Apprentice Briana is invited by Al the Wizard to come to a meeting of magic folk.Short Story: “Wizard Con”
“Shooting Star” Gideon and Pavataro are set to guard a rare creature during a party. Unsurprisingly, things go awry.Short Story: “Shooting Star”
“Night of the Bright Blue BEMs” (May 2017) Gideon and Pavataro are traveling, not of their own free will, with Regent when they run into the mysterious Bems, goblins and worse. Short Story: “Night of the Bright Blue BEMs”
“Dancing Stones” (November 2015) Short Story: “Dancing Stones”
“Stampede of the Razor Deer” (November 2017) The kids, Gideon, Brianna and Pavataro, are called to help Hernie the Hunter who has a bit of a razor deer problem. Short Story: “Stampede of the Razor Deer”
“The Fire in the Forge” (November 2018) Regent has Brianna and Gideon help him to try and free a dragon who has been enslaved. Short Story: “The Fire in the Forge”
“Call of the Land Squid” (June 2019)Short Story: “Call of the Land Squid”
“Pumpkin Sue” (Apr and May 2020) Short Story: Part 1 and Part 2
Maeirys on Instagram
The work below is all complete.
Dragonson & the Prophecy of Fire
Dragonson & the Army of the DeadScreenplay:
Dragonson & the Fortress of Air
Short Stories:
Booga! Booga!
Call of the Land Squid ~ Published Here
Charity Gala at the Zoo
Curse of the Vicious Sea-Hares ~ On this site under ‘Free Stories’
Dancing Stones ~ Published Here
Fire! Fire! ~ Published Here
Fire Breathing Dragons Make the Best Space Heaters
Fire in the Forge ~ Published Here
Fur Flying ~ Published Here
In Hot Water ~ Published Here
King’s Bloodline, a novella ~ Published Here
Mystery of the Black Nail ~ Published Here - Part 1 and Part 2
Night of the Bright Blue BEMs ~ Published Here
Overcooked ~ Published Here
Pumpkin Sue ~ Published Here - Part 1 and Part 2
Sacred Logs and Crocodiles ~ Published Here
Sand Sharks ~ Published Here
Sharp Stick ~ Published Here
Shooting Star ~ Published Here
Stampede of the Razor Deer ~ Published Here
Wizard Con ~ Published Here
Commissioned Work
(Alaylas on Instagram)
This was such a funny idea that Gideon would use his firebreathing to cook his food. Razor deer is best when it is seared a little.
Link to her work: https://instagram.com/p/Bi7s5BylDrq

Commissioned Work
Artist: Rudi (rudi10297 on Instagram).
This is first thing that I commissioned on Instagram. I love the characters in street clothes.
Link to Brianna picture: https://instagram.com/p/BjJrLOMFej2/
Bonus!! — Link to cat in sweater (not mine, I just love it): https://instagram.com/p/Bc4Utc-jPkW/